Friday, July 29, 2011

Help arrived...

Grandson Alex came to the farm for a visit.  He spent time with me moving logs.

Sawmill at work

 Really pleased with this little sawmill.  It was on backorder for the longest time and I was beginning to think I'd never get it.  It works.
Taking a break!  Temps were hovering around 100 all week.

Just what goes where???

Grandson Weston was on the farm for a visit.  Not sure what any of us were expecting when the box arrived.  There was quite a bit of head scratching going on while trying to put the sawmill together.  Parts in the wrong place, directions that didn't make sense....but we did it!

New Toy

Saw Mill in a box!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Black Locust for Foundation Posts

To say that its a little hot to be building a cabin is an understatement but there has been some work in the early morning hours.  These will be foundation posts.  We're using black locust harvested off the farm. My research kept bringing up sources that stated black locust can last 200 years.  Bonus!  I've got plenty of that on the farm.
 Using the "log wizard" makes short work of debarking the locust logs.
Some work you just have to get in there and get it done.  A little sore in the back after a morning of this.
Stacked and ready.