Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Early Sketches

 Found the sketches from when the cabin was just in the 'something I'd like to do' stage.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

We haven't stopped working....just posting

Sorry for the long delay
since the last post.  We've made progress!
 Hired some of the local Amish to come help put the roofing on.  Love this photo of their hats resting on one of the bushes when they came in to eat lunch.  Their youngest helper was about 7 years old - he was full of ideas of how things should be done.
 Steep angle on the roof allows for sleeping loft.
 Have had a beautiful fall - this Ash tree on the West Side of the cabin really put on a show.

North side of the cabin - not much exposure to the winter winds with only one window.  Should be 'snug as a bug'.
West side (door enters bedroom area).   Bathroom will be where the little window is.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rafters and Porch

Alex's week on the farm

 Working on the porch.

 We've got rafters!

June visit

Beautiful sunset after a rain.

View out a cabin window.
 We'll need to learn how to 'chink' soon.

June 2012 Progress

 All roads lead home.
 Evening stroll to look at the cabin.
 Progress on the walls.

 Alex helping grandpa with another layer.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

They say when you build something to double your expected expenses

My latest 'tool' arrived.  Nice for quick trips down to the cabin project.
Grandkids are looking forward to taking it for a spin as well.

Right Here!

She's making sure I've got the window seat in the right spot.

Peek a Boo

I'm standing behind 7 layers of log ---can you see me?
Have 3 windows installed so far.

Movin' on Up

Walls are getting a little higher.  I'm standing where there will be a sliding glass door.  We've ordered new french door for the big house so the old slider will be 'recycled' to this location.

A place to rest

There will be a deep window seat here - per the wife's request.  A nice place to sit and read and view what is happening outside.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Setting the Logs

 Time for a coffee break - this is hard work!

 Building Inspector showed up to help a bit.  She has been working on a new quilt for the cabin, the quilt may get done before the cabin does.

 4 layers done - April 25th.

 "Is that another tick?"  They are really bad this year with the mild winter and warm (hot) spring.

The corners work!


Sanding and Staining the logs all 130 of them, each 10 ft long.


 The first load ready to go, they look really nice.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ready to start setting logs

With all the nice weather and helpful people this winter, I'm a lot further along than I thought I'd be.  Next up....setting logs.


Odd's level....really!
Danny O'Bryan stopped by one day and helped me finish out the subfloor.  Next time I'll make sure he stays around long enough for a photo.